animals news.

Old age is not unique to humans or pets, but also applies to wild animals, as recorded by a study by a team of Spanish scientists.
"He had always thought that senescence was unique because we live longer than wewould play live, " explains Alberto Ensuring, responsible for the work and research of the Department of Ecology and Animal Biology, University of Vigo.

Wild game you get older, and the idea of dying alone in the attack from predators ordiseases of the natural environment has "changed dramatically"in recent years. "Theresenescence in reproduction and the ability of these animals live, " confirmed the scientist.

genetic damage.

The results have shown that "sperm DNA damage invidivuos is old. " Therefore,Ensuring warns, "their children may have more chances of congenital diseases. "

The children of inidividuos old are more likely to have congenital
In humans, it was found that the sons of men over 50 or 60 are more likely to havegenetic diseases, "it was thought that nature did not matter and that it was a defect of our civilization to live longer, but it appears that in the environment also occurs, "says the biologist.

For birds, the color of their paws "off"and reflects oxidative damage to sperm.Therefore, as recorded by SINC, females choose males for their color and are lessattracted to adult specimens with legs more muted shades.

"The work opens up new perspective on what's behind sexual signals and suggests the importance of sexual selection to purge mutations, "says the scientist.

The Alliance for the Unity of the Country, who integrate UPA and COAG, reportedMonday that the wolf has already colonized almost the entire Community, with more than200 herds and 2,000, whose attacks on livestock are increasing and putting in a"dramatic situation "for practitioners in some areas especially Avila and Zamora. Theseorganizations explained that he estimated between 2007 and 2010 occurred in Castillay León, 2,818 attacks, 8,233 dead animals, mostly sheep, and a damage worth 2.8 million euros.
Animal friendship:

Many people in the world can safely say that the company of animals is relaxing andtherapeutic. To our dog, cat or bird of choice, we show ourselves as we are, withoutpressure, performance or hypocrisy and, above all, without fear of destructive criticism.

They want to accept us and our faults and virtues. Whatever happens, we are faithful,loyal, grateful, do not come from interest or drop us a rough patch when we left without apenny in his pocket. His companionship and love is unconditional, why not move awaybut they failed.

Friendship with animals, besides being a nice way to get closer to nature, appeal to oursensibility, tenderness and helps us to recognize that we humans still have much tolearn.
However, remember that not all pet animals serve. Even within the same species can befound that some others do not. On the other hand, we have an affinity with animals isinnate, and no one can be forced to love a dog, cat, bird, fish, tortoise and snake. Thatfeeling is spontaneous and mutual, not forgetting that there are individuals who haveheavy blood to the animals.